Friday, October 06, 2006

The Elder Speaks:

I feel bad that Kelly has to leave his family to fend for themselves while he is here shooting the breeze with me. Can you imagine Elmer in Florida? Can you imagine him at Disney World? Just THINKING of Elmer in a pair of shorts makes me squint my eyes.

Come to think of it, Kelly never wore shorts much, either, so he probably has pasty white thighs, too. I bet his legs look like mayonnaise on sushi. I guess I shouldn't poke fun at him, but since he isn't here to defend himself, he's free game. My tan is starting to fade out, too. All they sell here is knee-length shorts, and we aren't allowed to modify clothing, even if we buy it ourselves. I never liked long shorts. That's an oxymoron, if I ever heard one.

I was sort of wondering if all the metal Kelly has had installed would effect his ability to swim if he did fall overboard. If they trolled him behind the boat, would he rattle like a fishing lure? With all that red hair streaming out behind him in the water, he might make good bait, but I bet the sharks would just spit him back out.

Well, whenever you make it to Florida, come see me. I think that once you are approved to visit, you stay on the list more or less permanently, even if I change prisons again (usually). Everyone who was on my visiting list from Mississippi (and my two-week stay in OKC) are still on it. My parents were on it in three different places (with three different spellings of "Wyrick"), but I noticed that someone cleaned up the list now so that there are no duplications.

According to my visiting list, Kelly is living in Drummond, OK, but it looks like Tammy lives in Drummond, TX. I wonder if that is hard on a marriage? My parents address is wrong, and both are different, but at least they live in the same town. Now that might make THEIR marriage easier. Why couldn't we have had that arrangement when I was growing up? Oh well, I guess I turned out OK,... well,... aside from the whole PRISON thing, but I will never agree with that. I am a little bitter, but not too much (so I tell myself).

OK, it is after 11 PM, so I guess I will go to bed. More later.


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