Friday, October 06, 2006

The Elder Speaks:

for Kelly: I just felt a little guilty asking you to come at the butt crack of dawn to get in line before the bus shows up, but that is about the only way get a seat on Sundays. There was one time that Carrie showed up at 6:50 AM, and it was 11:40 when I finally made it in to see her. That is the worst waiting time I have seen. Carrie said that when she showed up at a little before 9 AM one Sunday, we were both in the visiting room by 9:30, but I think that was probably just dumb luck. That was the shortest waiting time so far.
Anyway, obviously the earlier you get here the earlier we get in the visiting room, but I don't want your family to be put out just for me, and there is an inherent delay built into the system when you get here between about 8:30 AM and 10:00 AM (caused by the 10 AM lock-down for head count on weekends). If you get here any time from 10 AM to 12 AM, you shouldn't have to wait too long, as long as I can find someone to unlock the door for me. Sometimes they call people to the visiting room over the intercom, but we can't find a guard to let us out. They eat lunch too, but they don't all go at one time, so its sort of hit or miss as to whether the person working on our floor is gone (or just hiding out in the office)(or outside on a smoke break).
OK, I need to get back to work. More later.


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