Friday, October 06, 2006

The Elder Responds:

for cfosbenner: I am a little ashamed of the fact that I didn't get the joke right away. I had to think about it for a minute. I guess the "tweety bird" quote had me thinking along "Warner Brothers" lines (in spite of the fact that the joke involved panties).

Chris is running the blog, and he sends me updates several times per week. I have no access to the blog itself, so I have to rely on other people to tell me about it. So far, it has just been friends making disparaging comments about me and some of the things I have allegedly done (all lies, I tell ya!).

When did you mail the visiting forms back? I can ask someone here, but the counselor for our side (B-4) doesn't seem to work here anymore. We lost him and the secretary at about the same time (3 weeks ago), and neither one has been replaced yet. I will have to ask some other counselor from another unit, but I should be able to get someone to check if you have been approved. If you mailed it after our counselor left, I have no idea who would be responsible for processing the form, and therefor, I have no way to even guess how long it might take now. It used to take about a week to get someone approved.
I got an e-mail from Kelly last night asking about visiting. I will forward that e-mail to you so you will have what he has. It isn't too complicated, but nothing in the federal government works just exactly like its supposed to, and they just rotated in a new batch of people to operate the visiting room.

I think Kelly's cruise is supposed to leave on Oct 10th. I looked back at the old e-mails to check, but this system only displays the last 20 days, and it has been longer than that since he told me when he is supposed to be in Florida.

I need to get back to work. More later.


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