Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Elder Speaks:

I just got back from my health and nutrition class. Its official. I am going to die someday. The exact date is sort of up in the air, but it will come sooner or later. According to what I have learned in class, its inevitable. I get a certificate for this, right?

I don't know how many of these messages you are getting, and I forgot to number the e-mails lately. This is the first message today.

If you get a chance, can you (or one of our faithful followers) do a search for liable and slander suits that involve things posted on the internet. I just need the names involved, and a very brief description of the backgrounds of the cases. I think the cases I read about were in USA Today, and I think one of them involved someone's blog site, so a search for "USA Today, slander, liable, Internet, and blog" should produce some results. The issue of liable/slander on the internet came up today, and someone was saying that there had never been a successful liable/slander suit for things found on the internet, but USA Today says differently (as of about two weeks ago, anyway)(Yes, I already threw the newspaper away). I think there were three cases mentioned in the article, and I was looking for an instance of one private person filing against another private person, but I guess cases involving a person and a corporation or gov't agency would be OK too, just to make it a well rounded debate (not that I ever debate with anyone).

I guess I should go. I need to make another pass through the ice room and laundry room to make sure they are clean before we go to lunch.


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